Monday, March 18, 2013

Science Common Core Vocabulary List 1 - 8th grade

8th Grade Scientific Inquiry

Processes: control group, controlled experiment, dependent variable, experimental group, independent variable, informed consent, protocol, prototype, qualitative, quantitative, scientific processes, variable
History: cloning, constraints, digital, ethical, genetic engineering, genome, GIS, GPS, sonar, taxonomy, ultrasound

8th Grade Matter

The Changes in Matter: bond energy, chemical bond, chemical equation, chemical reaction, compound, endothermic reaction, ionic bond, metallic bond, precipitate, reactant, catalyst, chemical change,chemical formula, coefficient, covalent bond, exothermic reaction, polar covalent bond, product, reactive, physical change
The Properties of Matter: acid, atomic mass number, bond energy, chemical formula, covalent bond, electron, ionic bond, metallic bond, neutron, particle motion, proton, atom, specific heat, element, period, metalloid, catalyst, polar covalent bond, isotope, density, atomic number, nonmetal, coefficient, atomic mass, base, chemical bond, conservation of mass, diffusion, ion, luster, neutral, nucleus, periodic table, radio waves, subscript

8th Grade Energy

Electromagnetism: electromagnet, electromagnetic spectrum, interference, magnetic field, polarization,, transverse wave, trough, frequency, amplitude, wavelength
Heat Energy: thermal energy, calorie, conduction, convection, joule, radiation
Kinetic Energy: horsepower, kinetic theory of matter, mechanical energy, potential energy, power, thermal energy, watt, work, kinetic energy
Light Energy: primary pigments, prism, refraction, diffuse reflection, polarization, optics, diffraction, law of reflection, fluorescence, regular reflection, bioluminescence, fiber optics, gamma rays, incandescence, infrared light, luminescence, concave, convex, focal length, focal point
Sound Energy: interference, acoustics, amplification, amplitude, decibel, resonance

8th Grade Motion

Force: acceleration, Bernoulli's principle, centripetal force, Doppler effect, hertz, longitudinal wave, net force Pascal's principle, reference point, velocity, air resistance, buoyant force, conservation of momentum, echolocation, inertia, mechanical wave, pitch, seismic wave, vector, Newton's laws

8th Grade Space Science

The Earth in Space: asteroids, big bang theory, constellation, eclipse, galaxy, lunar phases, revolution, solar mass, solstice, meteor, rotation, cosmology, equinox, comet, astronomical unit, planets, light year, solar system, meteoroid, moon phase
The Universe: asteroid belt, big bang theory, constellation, expansion, galaxy, gravitational force, black hole, solar system, trajectory, universe

8th Grade Earth Science

History of the Earth: absolute age, Cenozoic Era, Cretaceous, ice age, magnetic reversal, paleobiogeography, paleontologist, pangea, plate tectonics, volcanism, Cambrian explosion, continental drift, fossil record, Jurassic, magma, Mesozoic Era, ore, paleobiology, Paleozoic Era, plate tectonics, Triassic
Structures: aftershock, convergent boundary, fault, igneous rock, liquefaction, magnetic reversal, metamorphism, ore, sediment, asthenosphere, epicenter, foliation, inner core, lithosphere, mantle, mid-ocean ridge, outer core, recrystallization, sedimentary rock, transform boundary, continental drift, extrusive igneous rock, fracture, intrusive igneous roc, magma, metamorphic rock, mineral, plate tectonics, rock cycle, subduction
The Atmosphere: air mass, air pressure, atmosphere, climate, global winds, greenhouse effect, infrared radiation, isobar, ultraviolet radiation, ozone, altitude, meteorologist, atmospheric pressure, barometer, El Niño, high-pressure system, hurricane, microclimate, jet stream, low-pressure system
The Geosphere: aquifer, Coriolis effect, deposition, geosphere, hydrothermal vent, nonrenewable resource, latitude, permeability, permeable, seismic wave
The Hydrosphere: groundwater, hydrosphere, rain shadow, relative humidity, saturation, storm surge removed, water table, aquifer, acid rain, dew point, floodplain, glacier, humidity, liquefaction, marine

8th Grade Life Science

Anatomy - Body Systems: autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, endocrine system, gland, neuron, peripheral nervous system, hormone, brain, metabolism, growth
Anatomy - The Eye: cornea, pupil, retina, sclera, focus, focal length, lens, iris
Biodiversity: biodiversity, extinction, organism, unicellular, eukaryote, invertebrate, microorganism, phytoplankton, prokaryote, vertebrate
Cell Division: cell cycle, chromosome, cytokinesis, interphase, meiosis, mitosis, mutation, regeneration
Community Ecology: community, interaction, decomposer, evolution, niche, pioneer species, succession, biome, commensalism, mutualism
Community Interactions: opportunist, parasite, symbiotic, bacteria, spore, competitor, pathogen, biodiversity, interaction, host
Ecosystems: biomass, abiotic factor, nitrogen cycle, biosphere, biotic, carbon cycle, cycles, ecology, ecosystem
Heredity: chromosome, mutation, adaptation, allele, dominant trait, genotype, pedigree, physiological adaptation, recessive trait, variation, asexual reproduction, cleavage, DNA, fetus, gamete, heredity, phenotype, Punnett square, sexual reproduction, RNA
Natural Resource Management: aquaculture, by-catch, eutrophication, genetic engineering, natural resource, non-point source, point source pollution, septic system, sewage system, sustainable
Natural Selection: abiotic factor, parasitism, natural selection, probability, recessive, speciation, species, trait, dominance, allele, extinction, specialization, predation, biodiversity, infectious disease, mutation, stimulus, immunity, niche, sexual reproduction
Population Ecology: carrying capacity, limiting factor, emigration, population, population density, population dynamics, interaction, species, symbiosis
Taxonomic Classification: biodiversity, class, dichotomous key, domain, family, genus, kingdom, order, phylum, species
The Energy Pyramid: predation, producer, cellular,, respiration, decomposer, trophic level, consumer, digestion, energy pyramid, nutrient, photosynthesis

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